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Our trip to…

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Australia Costa Rica

Proverbs 19:21 “Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the Lord’s decree will prevail.”

We were headed to Australia to visit our daughter – plane tickets in hand, camper van rented, the hope of seeing kangaroos, koalas, Tasmanian devils, platypus…and of course our daughter. We were excited for another adventure. We got to the airport hours early. When we tried to check-in, we were told we were not allowed to board the plane. Shocked and a bit flustered, we tried to figure out what was going on. Finally, we got word there was a visa snafu. After a couple hours of trying to fix the issue, the plane left without us.

I was ready to head home and regroup. My husband refused, stating we would drive around the country before we would go home. We started looking for alternative vacation spots. Even the check-in agents were searching for flights and destinations. Finally, one agent said she had found tickets to Costa Rica that would work. Everything was chaotic and rushed. We booked the tickets and then had to drive 4 hours to another airport to catch our flight. We were landing at 8pm and had no lodging or transportation reserved. As we were loading on the plane for the final leg to Costa Rica, we hit send on to book a room and ride from the airport, praying it would go through.

Costa Rica

We got to a lovely little B & B at close to 10pm, tired and dazed. My husband is much better at ‘going with the flow’ than I am. He was calm and excited for a new adventure. I, on the other hand, was still processing.  So, when he said something chipper about what to do next…I had a meltdown. I started sobbing and yelling and it went something like… I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO. I WAS PLANNING ON BEING WITH MY DAUGHTER IN AUSTRALIA – WHERE THEY SPEAK ENGLISH. NOW, I AM IN COSTA RICA, I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DO IN COSTA RICA. I DON’T EVEN KNOW IF I CAN DRINK THE WATER! At which point I sank onto the bed and fell asleep. 


The next morning, I was a little more collected. My sweet husband offered to try to get me to Australia. I decided to stay the course, and we went to talk to our hostess. Along with a delicious breakfast, she gave us some starting points. We rented a car and our trip around Costa Rica began. I’m still not sure why we were not supposed to go the Australia, but God orchestrated an extraordinary adventure after I let go of my expectations.